Everyone is welcome at Little Britain United Church! Services start at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings. Sit where you like. We use the United Church hymn book called “Voices United”.
Regular services follow the same general format: Service starts with a prayer and a hymn, then scripture reading, the Minister’s time with the children (following which the children go to the hall for Sunday School), a sermon, offering, prayers of the people, and a benediction. Hymns are interspersed throughout the service.
Occasionally, throughout the year, children will remain in church. These services are planned with children in mind. We are a child-friendly group– if your child is restless or noisy, don’t worry. You can stay in church, where there is a comfortable chair and some toys in the back, or go outside or over to the hall. There is usually someone supervising the nursery if you want to leave your little one(s) at the hall.
Summer is a quiet time at Little Britain, as folks are routinely away on weekends on vacation or at the cottage. Our minister usually has holidays at this time too. In July and August we have shorter services led by various volunteers from the congregation. In September services return to normal.
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